
Organized Scientific Meetings and Conferences

  1. Workshop: NetDyn 2024 --- Workshop on Network Dynamics.
    Joint meeting with the collaboration network on Developing a MAThematical theory for CO-evolutionary DYNnamical networks (MATCODYN) and The Network Network (TNN), August 26, 2024

    Organizer of workshop.
  2. Dynamics Days Europe, Bremen, Germany, July 29-August 2024
    Organization of mini-symposium: "Adaptive Dynamical Networks"
  3. Int. Workshop: Developing a mathematical theory for co-evolutionary dynamical networks, May 30-31, 2023
    Organizer of mini-workshop.
  4. Dynamics Days Europe, On-line (and Nice), France, August 2021 (post-poned due to COVID-19 outbreak)
    Organization of mini-symposium: "Network dynamics with state-dependent interactions and applications to biology and medicine"
  5. SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, May 2021
    Organization of mini-symposium: "Synchronization Dynamics in Networks"
    With Christian Kuehn, TU Munich.
  6. Dynamics Days Digital 2020, on-line, August 2020
    Organization of mini-symposium: "Dimensional Reduction Methods for Coupled Oscillator Networks: Future directions"
  7. International Workshop/Conference: "Oscillations, Transients and Fluctuations: Bridging Theory and Applications in Network Dynamics". Copenhagen, July 1-3, Denmark.
    Organizer of conference with Susanne Ditlevsen (KU-Math), Mogens Høgh Jensen (KU-NBI), Mads Peter Sørensen (DTU Compute).
  8. International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience ICMNS, Copenhagen, June 2019
    Co-Organizer of conference.
  9. Dynamics Days Europe, Loughborough, United Kingdom, September 2018
    Organization of mini-symposium: "Linking the dynamics of oscillator models to real-world networks"
  10. Dynamics Days Europe, Szeged, Hungary, June 2017
    Organization of mini-symposium: "Complex patterns on networks"
  11. Rhythms in Complex Networks: From Theory to Experiment, 2014
    Dynamical Systems Interdisciplinary Network & Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
    Main organizer of workshop.
  12. Dynamics Days Europe, Bayreuth, Germany, Sep 2014
    Organization of mini-symposium: "Chimera States in Biological Systems and Technological Applications"
  13. Trait-based approaches to Ocean Life (International Workshop), Copenhagen, Aug 2013.
    Co-organization of speed talks
  14. Dynamics Days Europe, Madrid, June 2013
    Organization of mini-symposium: "Emergent Dynamics in Coupled Oscillators"
  15. SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, May 2013
    Organization of mini-symposium: "Ensemble dynamics in experiments: from synchrony to chimera states"

NetDyn 2024: International Workshop on Network Dynamics, August 26, 2024.

Location: Room: MH:333. Centre for Mathematical Science, Lund University, Sweden
Date/Time: Monday August 26, 2024, starting at 9.00.

This 1-day workshop comprises a series of talks on network dynamical systems. We discuss recent advances in mathematics, but also keep a focus on applications in biology and technology, such as neuroscience, power grids, cognition and others. A special focus lies in the study of adaptive networks, i.e., where dynamics occur on both the nodes (vertices) and links (edges) on a network (graph) and may co-depend --- co-evolutionary networks in short.

The Network Network (TNN): This meeting is a networking and kickstart event. An important goal of the workshop is to connect researchers with interest in network theory and dynamics, inside and outside of Lund University together to create a platform to discuss theory and applications of networks and exchange ideas to collaborate. We will have a session to discuss possibilities for a continuation of regular activities related to networks and dynamical systems, such as a lecture series.

Registration/Questions: Please send an email with your name and institution to:
rok.cestnik 'AT' (OR: erik.martens 'AT' with SUBJECT: NetDyn2024
(Note: Sandwich and coffee at lunch will be reserved for registered participants.)

Confirmed Speakers Programme

Detailed Programme (Click to download)

This is a joint meeting with the collaboration network MAThematical theory for CO-evolutionary DYNnamical networks (MatCoDyn).
We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Swedish Royal Physiographic Society.

International Workshop: Developing a mathematical theory for co-evolutionary dynamical networks, May 30-31, 2023

Location: MH:333, Matematikhuset, Centre for Mathematical Science, Lund University, Sweden
Date/Time: Tue May 30 and Wed May 31, 9.00-11.30 (break: 10.00-10.30)

The mini-workshop comprises of a series of talks on network dynamical systems spread over two half-days. Focus of the workshop is the study of adaptive networks, i.e., where dynamics occurs on both the nodes (vertices) and links (edges) on a network (graph) and may co-depend --- co-evolutionary networks in short. We discuss recent advances in the mathematical treatment and analysis in the finite and continuum limit descriptions (using graph operators) and applications in simplified as well as more realistic model applications, in particular, leaning towards applications in neuronal biological networks. Represented research fields include dynamical systems and bifurcation theory, graph theory, statistical physics, mathematical neuroscience, experimental neuroscience.


Programme (download link)

We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Swedish Royal Physiographics Society.

International Workshop: Oscillations, Transients and Fluctuations in Complex Networks (OTFCN), July 1-3, 2019

OTFCN Workshop Website

Networks pervade all areas in nature and technology, from statistical physics over engineering to biology, from small to large. Complex networks play a vital role in in our every-day lives, coordinating complex interactions on the level of cells, organisms and of society. Interacting units in such networks are for instance wind turbine generators, neurons, and pacemaker cells in the heart. Such systems may exhibit collective dynamics such as synchronization and thus serve functions such as information processing in the brain or robust delivery of power in the electric grid. Depending on the context, the emergence or destruction of collective behaviors may be desired or undesired. However, these systems must often operate in a non-steady, out-of-equilibrium state; in fact, they are constantly subject to varying levels of (stochastic) fluctuations and heterogeneities which may lead to non-uniform dynamic behaviors within the network. This interdisciplinary workshop gathers researchers from biology, technology, physics and mathematics to better understand how fluctuations and transients spread through networks and affect their dynamics. We discuss the state-of the-art and emerging problems concerning dynamic interactions in complex dynamic networks, such as power grid dynamics, transport networks, brain/neural dynamics, systems biology from cell to body level, and the mathematical/physical theory of oscillation and network dynamics.

This is a collaboration with the Technical University of Denmark and the University of Copenhagen.


Programme (download link)

We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Carlsberg Foundation.

International Workshop: Rhythms in Complex Networks - Theory Meets Experiment, September 1-3, 2014

To be held at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

This international workshop brings together theoretical, mathematical, but also experimental and computational researchers who are working on various topics related to oscillations in biological systems. The focus is on mathematical modeling and experimental phenomena around biological rhythms. The conference will be held in the historical halls of the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen. The event is hosted by the Dynamical Systems Interdisciplinary Network, University of Copenhagen, which is funded by the UCPH Excellence Programme for Interdisciplinary Research and the Center for Models of life, Niels Bohr Institute.

Confirmed Speakers

RCN Workshop Image 1 RCN Workshop Image 1
(click on picture to enlarge)

A link to a the workshop website is here.

The B-Science Club

.. a collective to foster an exchange platform for science-minded people and ideas across scientific fields ...

Have you ever felt like discussing informally over a beer your latest: This is a place to exchange ideas, cross scientific disciplines, build bridges/collaborations between different institutions, talk about stochastic highly non-linear academic politics, ...
We invite you to join us for a coffee or beer, or tea regardless whether you are a student, a postdoc, a professor, or just anyone sharing an eager interest in science.

Note: This is a past event.

2010 Erik (technique by Sven)